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"I really believe that you can create your own destiny by wanting something bad enough." - Daniel Jones

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The Story

  They first met when Daniel had a band and needed a singer, so he advertised in the paper in 1992, and Darren showed up! After hearing Darren, Daniel knew he had hit the right formula. Says Daniel, "We both knew it wasn't going to be too long before we were writing songs together away from the other guys in the band." Darren continues, "We were both incredibly ambitious. We really connected that year and there was a lot of positive energy and positive thinking in terms of us getting together. I think Daniel and I just shared a common goal, we were interested in the same kinds of music and the way that we wanted a handle it was very similar."

    They spent two years playing covers in clubs and pubs around northern New South Wales (Australia) and then made a conscious decision to devote themselves to music full time in 1994, and started to write and sing their own compositions. Quote Darren, "I was a kid who always did really well in school. I was at uni, hopping between all sorts of different degrees. So I think a lot of people were shocked when I turned around and said, 'Hey, guess what? I', deferring all my subjects and I'm going to be in a rock band!' In the end my family were nothing but supportive, and now they're our biggest fans. They keep every snippet of info on us." Quote Daniel - "My parents knew it wouldn't be long before we achieved something within music, but every now and then, I think it scared the hell out of them that it's actually happening, it's getting bigger every day and things are really starting to open up - not just in this country but overseas as well."

    The two unknowns sent out a five-track demo to 150 manager and record companies. Only 2 responded. One was John Wooddruff who listened once to the tape and flew to Brisbane to sign them to his management company JWM and publishing firm Rough Cut.

    In 1995, when Woodruff approached major record companies, they turned him down - over his deal, not the songs. He demanded they sign the band for Australia and New Zealand only, allowing him to sign with whom he liked internationally. The majors prefer world deals. Woodruff ended up taking out a second mortgage on his house to pay for the recording on the first album.

    As Darren also commented, "we literally decided we were going to get a record deal. We never once stopped to think about whether it would or wouldn't happen, or for that matter how it would happen. On reflection that was pretty suicidal really, so I guess we are just incredibly excited and thankful to be at this point." Daniel picks up the story, "To think that in the last year (1997), we have made a record with someone as legendary as Charles Fisher (his debut albums include Hoodoo Gurus, Air Supply, 1927) and then mix the record with Chris Lord Algae, who's name we used to read on the Stones cover and the like, is quite mind boggling for us. John Woodruff's involvement (The Angels, Baby Animals, Diesel etc) has been a great bonus, and then to see the early reaction to the record; it's been like you have to pinch yourself sometimes to see if you're awake."

    The name "Savage Garden" came from an Anne Rice novel (author of 'Interview With The Vampire' trilogy). Quote Darren, "Anne talks about the world as a savage garden. There are two levels. One is beautiful but in the other, underneath, we're all savage beasts. WE thought that was quite fitting - but we don't want to sound too poncy. It's all just pop music!" Quote Daniel, "Originally, we had about four names. Like Dante's Inferno and Bliss. But every name we chose was already taken - it was really frustrating."

    So, SAVAGE GARDEN was created. Says Darren - "We went into this expecting to succeed." "It's only just the start", warns Daniel, "We've got a long way to go and a lot to learn about our craft and the business and I only hope that we continue to encounter the good fortune that we have enjoyed so far. I guess it's up to whether the people like our music now."  

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