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"I really believe that you can create your own destiny by wanting something bad enough." - Daniel Jones

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Welcome to the SavageGarden-zone :: Copyright © 2001-2002 SavageGarden-zone. All rights reserved :: Don't take anything from this site and use it on other website without a permission :: For contact : :: Support this site with voting for it by clicking on one of the images below support us :: this site will keep collecting news about savagegarden, Daniel Jones, Darren Hayes, and his upcoming album :: Keep watching .. That's all .. Thanks

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Latest News Read the latest SavageGarden news:

P.S. Thanks a lot to Savage Garden Request Line for letting me use the news items. Thanks Cindy!

June 2001

Darren's new hair style!
Darren at a Japanese magazine
A new interview with Darren
HELLO! you guy are letting me down! Sorry to say that!
Darren & SG are getting behind! NEED YOUR HELP!
Billboard article about Darren's solo
Savage Garden win APRA Award! 

May 2001

"I Knew I Loved You" named "Song of The Year"
"Halogen" changes its name to "Aneiki"
The site's first month! Guys! support me please!
SG nominated for an APRA Award
SG win another World Music Award. Congratulations!
Darren's Birthday!
"Chained To You" hit Sweden stores - another change
All fans: Vote for SG/Darren on "Smash Hits"
Fans from Holland: Great job you fans there!
"Elisa Fiorillo" release an album

April 2001

Darren Recently sang at a CHARITY FUND RAISER
Australian fans: Video alert!
Blockbuster Awards 2001
A change in the release date for "Chained To You"
SG at Capital FM - Interview and competition
Danish charts for "The Best Thing"
"Declaration" album is released in Europe
All fans: SG need your help. Vote for SG here

 The full story of SG break up is in December 2000 news

Archive Check out this section if you haven't been able to catch the latest news and happenings about Savage Garden. Lots of SG news to read »

Tour dates There are no tours at this moment. But just in case you want to know the tour dates for the "Affirmation" and "Future of Earthly Delights" tours.  »

Charts Many links to the famous top charts from all over the world. Here's how did SG ended the year 2000 in charts [SavageGarden Request Line] enter »

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Still Hot :
Superstars and cannon balls - live and on tour in Australia


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From HMV Australia:
Video: PAL & NTSC
DVD: Region 4

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